Commission Members

The Commission consists of 23 voting members, including judges, prosecutors, criminal defense counsel, the commissioners of the departments of Correction, Public Safety, and Mental Health and Addiction Services, the victim advocate, the executive director of the Court Support Services Division of the Judicial Branch, a municipal police chief, the chairperson of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, the undersecretary of the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division of the Office of Policy and Management, and members of the public appointed by the Governor and the leaders of the General Assembly.

Robin PaviaChair
Administrative Judge for the Judicial District of Danbury
Appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

John SantaVice Chair
Chairman, Malta Justice Initiative
Appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate

Sarah Russell
Professor of Law, Quinnipiac University
Appointed by the Governor

Elizabeth Bozzuto
Chief Court Administrator
Appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Anna VanCleave
Associate Professor of Law, University of Connecticut
Appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate

William R. Dyson
Retired State Representative
Appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives

Subira Gordon
Executive Director, ConnCAN
Appointed by the Majority Leader of the Senate

Michael Chase
Defense Attorney
Appointed by the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives

Robert Farr
Retired Attorney
Appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives

Joseph B. Schwartz
Superior Court Judge, J.D. & G.A. 9 Courthouse
Appointed by the Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court

Gary Roberge
Executive Director, Court Support Services Division
Appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Angel Quiros
Commissioner of Correction
Ex officio: Commissioner of Correction

Patrick Griffin
Chief State’s Attorney
Ex officio: Chief State’s Attorney

Michael A. Gailor
State’s Attorney, Middlesex JD
Appointed by the Chief State’s Attorney

Jennifer L. Zito
Criminal Defense Attorney
Appointed by the President of the Connecticut Criminal Defense Lawyers Association

Natasha Pierre
State Victim Advocate
Ex officio: State Victim Advocate

Jennifer Medina Zaccagnini
Chair, Board of Pardons and Paroles
Ex officio: Chair of the Board of Pardons and Paroles 

Ronnell Higgins
Commissioner of Emergency Services & Public Protection
Ex officio: Commissioner of Emergency Services & Public Protection

Stephen Tavares
Chief of Police, Eastern Connecticut State University
Appointed by the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association

Nancy Navarretta
Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Ex officio: Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Daniel Karpowitz
Undersecretary, Office of Policy and Management
Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division
Ex officio: Undersecretary for Criminal
Justice Policy and Planning Division

Gerald L. Harmon
Presiding Part-A Criminal Judge, Judicial District of New Haven
Appointed by the Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court

John Day
Acting Chief Public Defender
Ex officio: Chief Public Defender